Les chiens ne font pas des chats
Les chiens ne font pas des chats

Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English is a famous French phrase that translates to “Dogs Don’t Make Cats” in English. This expression is used to convey the idea that children often inherit traits or behaviors from their parents, and that they are influenced by their family upbringing. In other words, it suggests that a child’s nature and character are strongly influenced by their parents’ traits and behaviors.

This phrase is often used in everyday conversations to explain why a child behaves in a certain way or has certain characteristics. For example, if a child is very artistic and creative, people might say, “Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English, his mother is an artist too!” This phrase is also used to emphasize the importance of parental influence on a child’s development.

Problems and Solutions

While the phrase Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English is commonly used, it can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Here are some common problems related to this phrase and their solutions:

Misunderstanding Literal Translation

Problem: When directly translated, “Dogs Don’t Make Cats” can be confusing for English speakers who are unfamiliar with the French expression.

Solution: Instead of using the literal translation, it is better to explain the meaning behind the phrase to avoid any confusion. You can say something like, “It means that children often inherit traits from their parents.”

Overgeneralizing Parental Influence

Problem: Using this phrase can sometimes lead to overgeneralizations about the influence of parents on a child’s behavior.

Solution: It is important to remember that while parents do have a significant influence on their children, other factors such as genetics, environment, and personal experiences also play a role in shaping a child’s character. It is important to consider all these factors when analyzing a child’s behavior.

Ignoring Individual Differences

Problem: Using this phrase may overlook the fact that children are unique individuals with their own personalities and traits.

Solution: While parents may have a strong influence on their children, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the individuality of each child. Not all children will be exactly like their parents, and that is perfectly normal and expected.

Overall, Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English is a phrase that highlights the influence of parents on a child’s development. While it is important to acknowledge this influence, it is equally important to recognize that children are unique individuals with their own personalities and traits. By understanding the meaning behind this phrase and avoiding overgeneralizations, we can appreciate the complex nature of human development and the role that parents play in shaping their children’s lives.


1. My father is a doctor, and now I’m studying medicine too. Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English!

2. Both of my parents are musicians, and I have a natural talent for playing the piano. Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English!

3. My mother is an excellent cook, and I’ve inherited her culinary skills. Les Chiens Ne Font Pas Des Chats In English!


1. FluentU

2. ThoughtCo

3. Babbel

See also  Comment Se Débarrasser De Puce Sur Un Chien

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FR Chien,

Last Update: February 4, 2024

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