Jeux De Sur Les Animaux BlageusFree
Jeux De Sur Les Animaux BlageusFree

Devinette Vous Entrez Dans Une Chambre 2 Chiens 4 Chevaux is a popular riddle in French-speaking countries. The riddle goes like this: “Vous entrez dans une chambre. Il y a 2 chiens, 4 chevaux et une girafe. Combien avez-vous de jambes?” which translates to “You enter a room. There are 2 dogs, 4 horses, and a giraffe. How many legs do you have?” The answer to this riddle is actually quite simple, but it can be confusing for some people. Let’s explore this riddle further and find out the answer.

The Answer to the Riddle

The answer to the riddle is that you have two legs, regardless of the number of animals in the room. The riddle is designed to trick you into thinking about the number of legs the animals have, but it’s actually asking about your own legs. So, no matter how many animals are in the room, you still have two legs.

Common Mistakes and Confusions

Many people get confused by this riddle because they focus on the number of animals and try to count their legs. They forget to consider their own legs, which is the key to solving the riddle. Some common mistakes and confusions include:

Counting the legs of the animals: It’s easy to get caught up in counting the legs of the dogs, horses, and giraffe. However, the riddle is not asking about the total number of legs in the room, but rather about your own legs.

Forgetting to include yourself: Some people forget to include themselves in the count and only focus on the animals. Remember, the riddle is asking about how many legs “you” have, so don’t forget to count your own legs.

Overcomplicating the riddle: The riddle is designed to be simple, but many people overcomplicate it by thinking too much about the number of animals and their legs. Remember to keep it simple and focus on the question being asked.

Other Riddles with Similar Themes

The riddle “Devinette Vous Entrez Dans Une Chambre 2 Chiens 4 Chevaux” is just one example of a riddle that plays with numbers and misdirection. There are many other riddles with similar themes that you might enjoy. Here are a few examples:

Riddle 1: You have a basket with 6 apples. You take 4 apples out of the basket. How many apples do you have?

Riddle 2: You have a pond with 5 ducks swimming in it. You shoot one duck. How many ducks are left?

Riddle 3: A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?

These riddles also rely on misdirection and play with numbers to trick the reader. The answers to these riddles may not be as straightforward as they seem, so make sure to think carefully before answering.


Devinette Vous Entrez Dans Une Chambre 2 Chiens 4 Chevaux is a fun riddle that challenges your ability to think outside the box. While it may seem confusing at first, the answer is actually quite simple. Remember to focus on your own legs and not get caught up in counting the legs of the animals. If you enjoy riddles like this, there are many other similar riddles that you can try. So, the next time someone asks you this riddle, you’ll know the answer and can impress them with your cleverness!


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FR Chien,

Last Update: February 4, 2024

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