Laisse Saucisse pour chien Gadget
Laisse Saucisse pour chien Gadget


On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses is a popular French saying that translates to “You don’t tie dogs with sausages” in English. This phrase is often used to convey the idea that you should not use valuable or tempting items as bait or incentives to achieve a certain goal or manipulate others. It is a metaphorical expression that can be applied to various situations in life. In this article, we will explore the meaning and origins of this saying, as well as provide some examples and solutions to common problems related to it.

Origin of the Saying

The origin of the saying “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses” can be traced back to the 19th century in France. It is believed to have originated from the practice of using sausages as bait to catch runaway dogs. However, over time, the saying has evolved to have a broader meaning beyond its literal interpretation.

Meaning and Interpretation

The saying “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses” is often used to caution against using manipulative tactics or short-term rewards to achieve long-term goals. It emphasizes the importance of using honest and ethical means to achieve success. It suggests that relying on quick fixes or temporary solutions may not lead to sustainable results.

For example, in a business context, it means that offering excessive incentives or rewards may attract the wrong kind of employees who are solely motivated by short-term gains. Instead, it is better to focus on creating a positive work culture and providing opportunities for growth and development.

Common Problems and Solutions

Problem 1: Lack of Trust

One common problem related to the saying “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses” is the lack of trust between individuals or groups. When people feel that they are being manipulated or deceived, it can lead to strained relationships and hinder collaboration.

Solution: The key to building trust is transparency and honesty. It is important to communicate openly and clearly, and to be consistent in words and actions. By being genuine and reliable, you can establish trust and foster stronger relationships.

Problem 2: Short-term Focus

Another problem is the tendency to prioritize short-term gains over long-term success. This can lead to making impulsive decisions or sacrificing long-term growth for immediate results.

Solution: It is important to have a clear vision and set long-term goals. By planning and strategizing for the future, you can make informed decisions that align with your overall objectives. Avoid getting caught up in short-term wins and focus on the bigger picture.

Problem 3: Unethical Behavior

Sometimes, people may resort to unethical behavior in order to achieve their goals. This can include lying, cheating, or manipulating others.

Solution: It is crucial to maintain ethical standards and act with integrity. By choosing to do the right thing, even when it may be difficult, you can build a reputation of trustworthiness and earn the respect of others.

Examples of “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses”

Here are a few examples to illustrate how the saying “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses” can be applied in different situations:

Example 1: Parenting

When raising children, it is important not to use material rewards as a way to manipulate their behavior. Instead, focus on teaching values and instilling a sense of responsibility.

Example 2: Sales and Marketing

In the world of sales and marketing, it is better to focus on building long-term relationships with customers rather than resorting to deceptive tactics to make a quick sale.

Example 3: Personal Relationships

In personal relationships, using material possessions or gifts to win someone’s affection may not lead to genuine and lasting connections. It is better to be yourself and build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.


The saying “On Attache Pas Les Chiens Avec Des Saucisses” serves as a reminder to use ethical and sustainable approaches to achieve our goals. By avoiding manipulative tactics and focusing on long-term success, we can build trust, foster stronger relationships, and create a positive impact in various aspects of our lives.

See also  Les Noix Sont Elles Dangereuses Pour Les Chiens

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FR Chien,

Last Update: February 4, 2024

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